Ms Lesley Wallerstein

Ms Heidi Massa

Judith Sherwin

John C. Sciaccotta

Ann Hagerty

Robert Fioretti

Honorable John Hynes (Ret.)

The CBA Mediation Service is designed to provide mediations that are efficient, effective, economical, and fair. The parties, who must be represented by counsel, can expect a high chance of resolution while negotiating in a safe environment with an experienced CBA mediator. Our mediators are CBA members with at least ten years of practice experience and they must have completed a comprehensive mediation training course. The Mediation Service is structured to meet the needs of a wide-range of clients in areas such as personal injury, family law, commercial, subrogation, real estate and others. Parties can resolve their disputes before or after a court filing with a CBA mediator.
The Chicago Bar Association established the Mediation Service to allow members to act as mediators in personal injury, commercial, matrimonial, and other kinds of cases for a fee of $400 an hour. Parties requesting mediation must be represented by counsel.